MCW Anesthesiology Intranet
MCW Anesthesiology Intranet

Ultraviolet Disinfection of N95s: Anesthesia Protocol

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Problem: Global limited supply of N95s for health care facilities related to COVID-19 Pandemic.

Solution: Literature has identified the efficacy of using ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection units to disinfect N95 respirators. FMLH has been using this technology as an adjunct to the environmental services cleaning protocol for a number of years. We will use these UV units during this time of PPE conservation.

We ask providers/staff at a minimum to process your N95 at least one time during your shift (it can be done more often if warranted). Based on anecdotal data from University of Nebraska, the UV process can lead to degradation of the rubber securement bands. Therefore, if securement bands break or loosen or if you notice a loss of mask seal or failed β€œfit check” you should obtain a new N95 mask.

Staff are expected to UV Disinfect their N95 mask after taking care of a COVID-19 PUI (person under investigation), participating in an AGP case, and/or at the end of their work shift.


  1. Write your name, date, and ANES on the outside of the mask for identification (use a sharpie or pen – ensure ANES is legible).
  2. Place your mask in a clean plastic or paper bag (bags are available in the anes. workroom)
  3. Bring your mask to the anesthesia workroom located in the OR across from IPP 34
  4. On the back counter there are 2 labeled white bins, β€œN95 MASKS TO BE DISINFECTED” and one labeled β€œDISINFECTED N95 MASKS.”
  5. Place your bagged mask in the dirty bin
  6. Fill out N95 Log located on the counter
  7. Masks will be processed at one of two N95 disinfection sites (FMLH: MICU conference room or ER conference room).
  8. Disinfection sites will be staffed 24/7 with support staff.
    1. Cycles will be run 2 times per hour.
    2. Start times are – on the hour and at 30 minutes after the hour.
    3. Each cycle takes approximately 11 – 12 minutes (5 minutes per side and time for the unit to power up).
    4. No one will be allowed to remain in the room during cycle time.
  9. Masks will be brought up 10 minutes before each cycle.
  10. Anesthesia Techs/Aides picking up department masks will need to complete hand hygiene, don clean gloves provided in the room, place labeled masks on the hanger, remove gloves, and disinfect hands.
  11. Upon cycle completion anesthesia techs/aides will be allowed to enter the room, complete hand hygiene, pick up department masks, place in clean bag and leave the room.
  12. Clean masks will be placed in a clean plastic bag
  13. All clean bagged masks will be brought back to the anesthesia workroom and placed in the clean bin labeled β€œDISINFECTED N95 MASKS.”
  14. Check the clean bin for mask pick-up
  15. Contact Lyndee Anzalone with any issues

NOTE: At times the UV system may be needed in the OR/ICU. When this happens the UV sites will have this posted.

Off-Shift Staff Process (1700-0630):

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